From the Mouth of David Bentley Hart

"Understand, Brian, I dislike every single form of conservatism–political, religious, what have you. I don’t mind an admiration for what is good in lost traditions, so long as it doesn’t become mere reaction. But, at the end of the day, I’m basically an anarchist and communalist. I believe that all that lilies of the field nonsense that Jesus preached was more than a daydream; and I think the longing for strict social hierarchy–again, Guénon through and through–as an antidote to modernity is simply a longing for a reprise of the same sins that created modernity. That’s what I was criticizing. . . .
Though The Loved One was post-Brideshead, so there’s one last great Waugh novel that actually came out after that dreary swim through that syrupy paean to Catholiscism (sic) devoid of Christianity."
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