Gavin Ashenden on the Relationship of Trump, St. Thomas à Becket and the Canceling of Calvin
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 06:46PM
Embryo Parson in Anglican Catholic Church, Continuing Anglicanism, Culture Wars, Fr. Calvin Robinson, Liberal-leftism, Political Theory and Praxis

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Incisive political assessment from Gavin here, something to which Frs. Hess and Hart, et al. will listen, though I won't hold my breath.

His comments about Fr. Robinson begin around 12:30 into the video, fall off and then resume at 16:30.  As to their question of whether or not he should continue on as a priest or layman, well, that's simple.  Calvin was ordained priest in the apostolic succession.  Full stop.  Unless he goes to Rome and is laicized, he will likely continue his public ministry as a priest somewhere.

We need more muscular clergy like Beckett.

Article originally appeared on theoldjamestownchurch (
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