Give Me a Manly Catholic Faith, as Expressed in Sacred Music Like This
Friday, February 21, 2025 at 01:20AM
Embryo Parson in Anglican Catholic Church, Anglican Church in America, Anglican Province in America, Chants and Hymnody, Continuing Anglicanism, Culture Wars, Eastern Orthodoxy, Fr. Calvin Robinson, G3 Synod, Muscular Christianity, Sophiology, The Blue Flower, Traditional Anglicanism, Traditional Conservatism, Videos and Music

At an OAC Clericus a year or so ago, Orthodox priest Fr. Michael Butler was our guest presenter.  Fr. Butler specializes in "men's work" from an Orthodox perspective.  It was one of the most powerful series of talks I've ever experienced.  One of the things he talked about is why men are flocking to the Orthodox Church.

The Orthodox know what "man up" means and what it entails.  We in the OAC know  it as well.  I'm not so sure about the wider Continuum.  Peruse Fr. Anthony Chadwick's ruminations on masculinity at his blog The Blue Flower to see what I mean.

Especially at 1:38:

Article originally appeared on theoldjamestownchurch (
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