From Archbishop Steve Wood's Provincial Letter:
"A principal initiative I undertook after my election was to personally engage each of our diocesan bishops in a 1:1 Zoom conversation around a series of discussion points that I sent them in advance. Of particular note was my question related to our divergent points of view regarding the ordination of women to the presbyterate. With the Provincial practice enshrined in our Constitution and Canons unlikely to be amended anytime soon the question emerges: what does a win/win look like for the Province in the immediate future? I appreciated both the candor and the firm conviction to continue to engage one another with fraternal love and respect where we hold differing theological convictions."
Of course, the answer is that there is no "win/win". Either the 2,000-year-old teaching of the Catholic Church wins or feminism wins. And if ACNA's intent is to keep "engag(ing) one another with fraternal love and respect where we hold differing theological convictions", all that means is that the "dual integrities" policy will never be challenged. It will never shift off of dead center.