Requiem for David Bentley Hart
Sunday, August 14, 2022 at 07:37PM
Embryo Parson in David Bentley Hart, The Hart Brothers

First Things recently posted these two articles by The Rev. Dr. Gerald McDermott, a traditional Anglican priest and scholar, on the downward trajectory of David Bentley Hart:

Hart's Turn To Heterodoxy

A Lonely Hart

I urge you two read both articles, including DBH's response linked in the second one, which only illustrates McDermott's point about DBH's penchant for vituperation in response to his critics.  DBH is a great mind; just ask him.  But he's a nasty soul. (Seems to run in the family.)

More unfortunately, it appears he's run off the rails, abandoning Orthodoxy for perennialism.  Keep an eye on his future to see just where he ends up.  I hope it is back in Orthodoxy, I mean true Orthodoxy, but I am not optimistic.  

Article originally appeared on theoldjamestownchurch (
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