Interesting article from The American Conservative on the question. The question has always been a live one in American politics, and is especially so now that even liberals (e.g., in California) are agitating for secession. And here is attorney and politicla writer James Ostrowski on the legal arguments for Lincoln's invasion of the Confederacy in 1861, which, like the TAC article linked above, takes up the US Supreme Court decision Texas v. White, in which SCOTUS ruled that no right to secession exists.
Two famous American Anglicans, General Robert E. Lee and General Leonidas Polk (aka "The Fighting Bishop") fought for the cause of secession in Mr. Lincoln's illegal war. This exchange between Lord Acton and Lee after the war suggests that the cause for traditional English culture was dealt a deadly blow by the Union victory, and events since That War, both here in North America and in England, have only confirmed the fears expressed in the Acton-Lee correspondence.