Greek Orthodox Inexplicably Give Highest ‘Humanitarian’ Award to Pro-Abort Gov. Andrew Cuomo 
Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 08:28PM
Embryo Parson in ACNA, AMiA, Anglican Realignment, Eastern Orthodoxy, Episcopaganism, Episcopal Church, Liberal-leftism, Neo-Anglicanism, Roman Catholicism, Traditional Anglicanism

When Orthodox critics fault me for saying the Orthodox Church, here in the West at least, is suffering from a serious bout of creeping liberalism, I simply point them to stuff like this

Say what you will about the small and fractious lot that is Continuing Anglicanism.  At least we've left the Episcopalianization that currently plagues Rome, Realignment Anglicanism and Orthodoxy in the western diaspora behind us, and are on a true holy, catholic and apostolic path.

Article originally appeared on theoldjamestownchurch (
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