Rumors of War - Again
Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 12:16AM
Embryo Parson in Christian Resistance Theory and Praxis, Clash of Civilizations, Islam, Northern Alliance, Political Theory and Praxis, Why Anglicanism?

I'm seeing an increasing number of articles predicting a civil war in Europe, principally over the "refugee" crisis there.  Here's what I posted in November. In recent days these articles appeared:

Europe ''on the verge of civil war'' – Swiss army chief's urgent warning

German doorman who witnessed the Cologne mayhem calls it a 'civil war situation'

2015, the year a ‘civil war’ came to Europe

Eventually this war will break out in earnest.  When it does, it will pit a resurgent right wing against both feckless, increasingly hollow European liberal states and, most likely, Muslims. 

Already we're seeing rightist vigilantism:

Finland: ''Soldiers of Odin'' patrol Kemi streets

We'll see more of this as European liberal states do nothing to ameliorate the crisis and even punish those who would rise up to defend their culture.  It will likely turn into a 4th Generation Warfare-like struggle, which the liberal states will not win.

Sadly, it has come to this.  Europe is at the breaking point, and there is a sufficient number of currently disenfranchised traditionalists who will not let Europe be destroyed by the liberals.  It's that simple, and it is cause for us to be deeply in prayer about it.  We must pray, first and foremost, that liberal Europe comes to its senses, because if it doesn't, Katy bar the door.

Article originally appeared on theoldjamestownchurch (
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