Continuing Anglican Churches Announce Formal Accord 
Monday, January 4, 2016 at 04:12PM
Embryo Parson in ACNA, AMiA, Anglican Catholic Church, Anglican Realignment, Anglo-Catholicism, Neo-Anglicanism, The Problem of Anglican Identity, Traditional Anglicanism, United Episcopal Church North America

Virtue Online has apparently scooped this story, since as of this posting the announcement hasn't appeared anywhere else online.  H/T to reader AnAwkwardAardvark for notifying me.  Text of the letter:

January 4, 2016

We the undersigned bishops of the Continuing Anglican churches, as indicated below, pledge to work cooperatively, in a spirit of brotherly love and affection, to create a sacramental union and commonality of purpose that is pleasing to God and in accord with godly service to our respective jurisdictions.

Additionally, we will endeavor to hold in concert our national and provincial synods in 2017. Our goal for this meeting will be to formalize a relationship of communio in sacris.

During the intervening period, we will work in full accord toward that end. We will seek ways to cooperate with each other, supporting each others' jurisdictions and communicating on a variety of ecclesiastical matters. We will maintain regular monthly communication by teleconference.

The Most Reverend Walter Grundorf, The Anglican Province of America

The Most Reverend Mark Haverland, The Anglican Catholic Church

The Right Reverend Paul C. Hewett, The Diocese of the Holy Cross

The Most Reverend Brian R. Marsh, The Anglican Church in America

This is welcome news.  It seems to mean that the old division between ACC/APCK/UECNA and APA/ACA is over.  However, tensions between Anglo-Catholic and Anglo-Protestant provinces in the Continuum remain.  My hope for the sake of both unity and perpetuity is that all the Continuing provinces will follow the ACC/ACPK/APA/ACA lead on the Anglo-Catholic side and the UECNA/AECUS lead on the Anglo-Protestant side.  All this fragmentation is not only scandalous, but if a true classical Anglican option is to exist for North Americans the Continuum needs to unify.   Because of its toleration of women's ordination and its charismania, Realignment Anglicanism for the most part cannot provide that option.

Article originally appeared on theoldjamestownchurch (
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