Peter Toon on the 1979 Prayerbook
Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 09:59PM
Embryo Parson in ACNA, AMiA, Anglican Realignment, Anglican Spiritual Life, Book of Common Prayer, Neo-Anglicanism

There is the definite tendency to lose the centripetal and unifying power of the historic Common Prayer and to establish and confirm the centrifugal and disjointed forces of variety and relativism (so common in modern culture). The result is, by intention, less unity in doctrine and practice in the Church. This result is empirically verifiable simply by visiting new parishes, where one has no idea (and can have no idea) in advance about what to expect in terms of the order or the content of services.

Happily, the Neo-Anglicans seem to be rethinking usage of the 1979 prayerbook, pondering whether or not a modern version of the 1662 BCP might be in order.

Article originally appeared on theoldjamestownchurch (
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